Quick! Call Castle!

Well, I am up to season 5 on Castle on my rewatch. In fact, I just finished the Hunt episode earlier. I have to say while I do like that we get to meet Castle’s dad, I don’t consider him to be a father or a “dad” so to speak. Yes, he’s kept tabs on his son but he didn’t actively raise him. Now, don’t get me wrong he seems to be a good guy. He did contribute DNA to Castle but really to this point that’s it. I am not saying this makes him a horrible person. Not at all. He just made a different choice to raising or being actively involved in his son’s life. I get that he couldn’t be because you know spy. I do hope that someday Castle does get to spend some quality time with his dad. Maybe there’ll be a time when they can do father and son stuff together and get to know each other. Not sure I am really going much of anywhere with this topic. Just wanted to say my piece on that.

I’ve been thinking about Castle (I mean Rick Castle not the show in general) and Nathan Fillion. My thoughts have rather been on my lack of attraction to both the fictional character and the actor himself. It’s just not there at all. Ever. Not as himself, not when he’s playing Castle, and not when I watched him as Mal in Firefly. He’s a good actor. I just am not attracted to him at all. He doesn’t do it for me. I am not sure why but he doesn’t.

Only about a week and a couple of days until I am no longer working the overnight shift. I am very happy about this. Happy I get to join the people who are awake during the day. Happy that I’ll have more human interaction. Happy that I’ll get to watch Castle live. I still think it’s kind of funny that I am going from being able to watch my shows with the exception of Castle when they air to able to watch Castle when it airs but nothing else. I am not even close to kidding. That’s it. That’s the only show. I don’t watch my Sunday night shows when they air because boyfriend time. It’s still going to be that. Sunday and Monday are my days off. So, Castle on Monday. Everything else the morning after from the DVR. I am half entertained and half kind of sad about this because I was really looking forward to watching Bones and Gracepoint on Thursday nights.

That’s it for this outing.